Mobile Apps

Alertifii supports both iOS and Android mobile apps. You can download the appropriate app for you phone from the links below:


Alerts will be assigned a priority by the integration that created them. An alert priority will affect how a notification is received on your phone.

  • -2 - Lowest - will not generate any notification. On iOS, the application badge number will be increased.

  • -1 - Low - will not generate any sound or vibration.

  • 0 - Normal (default) - These notifications trigger sound, vibration and display according to the user's device settings. On iOS, the message will display at the top of the screen or as a modal dialog, as well as in the notification center. On Android, the message will scroll at the top of the screen and appear in the notification center.

  • 1 - High - Bypass a user's do not disturb settings. These messages will always play a sound and vibrate (if the user's device is configured to) regardless of the delivery time.

  • 2 - Emergency - Similar to high-priority notifications, but are repeated until the user acknowledges the notification. These are designed for dispatching and on-call situations where it is critical that a notification be repeatedly shown to the user (or all users of the team that the message was sent to) until it is acknowledged. The first user in a group to acknowledge a message will cancel retries for all other users in the group.

Bypass Do Not Disturb

For notifications to bypass Do Not Disturb they must be high or emergency priority. On iOS, there is no extra configuration needed. For Android, please follow the directions below.

Bypass Do Not Disturb on Android

On Android, you must also enable the notification channel to bypass do not disturb.

  1. Push and hold the Alertifii App Icon and click App Info

  2. Click Notifications

  3. Click the "Critical (Bypass DND)" channel

  4. Enable the toggle for Override Do Not Disturb


Users can choose from a number of different default sounds to play when receiving notifications, rather than the standard Alertifii tone. Applications can override a user's default tone choice on a per-notification basis.

When sending notifications through the Alertifii API, the sound parameter may be set to one of the following built-in sounds:

  • alertifii (default)

  • bike

  • bugle

  • cashregister

  • classical

  • cosmic

  • falling

  • gamelan

  • incoming

  • intermission

  • magic

  • mechanical

  • pianobar

  • siren

  • spacealarm

  • tugboat

  • alien

  • climb

  • persistent

  • echo

  • updown

SMS Backup

SMS backup is enabled for emergency priority notifications and will only be sent once, if the alert has not been acknowledged in 5 minutes.

Phone numbers can be added on the Profile page.

Last updated